A Superb Deep Peel ( 35% TCA ) for Skin Rejuvenation with Minimal Downtime!
BioRePeel is a medical peel with biostimulating, revitalising and peeling actions, with trichloroacetic acid ( TCA ) as the main ingredient.
It promotes cell turnover by removing the outer corneal layer cells with selective action on corneocytes’ junction bonds.
It has 14 active ingredients that contribute to a profound stimulation of skin replication and biosynthetic process, essential to counteract the effects of skin ageing from sunlight and the environment.
It contains 35% of TCA
It’s Hydrophilic phase: its biostimulating and revitalising actions promotes exfoliation, reduces fine lines & helps battle acne, enlarged pores & comedones.
It’s Lipophilic Phase : has stabilising and protective actions, reduces trans-epidermic water evaporation and it increases overall hydration